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PaSTA Overview
PaSTA’s front screen for simple navigation:
PaSTA (Planning and Scheduling Tool Assistant) brings together all the components necessary for optimized work week management into a single integrated framework. The core concepts of asset care excellence are enabled through proactive planning and scheduling. At the field level, this means effectively coordinating all the diverse what, how, when and who activities needed to eliminate the “Roadblocks” to success. By getting everyone involved, PaSTA brings the organization together into a single communication platform that fosters the achievement of common goals.
PaSTA also acts as bridge between the routine maintenance and outage/overhaul processes. This allows for continuity and full integration of outage/overhaul tools. PaSTA and the outage tools maintain complete synchronization throughout, allowing frontline operations to comprehensively control their resources while the outage organization has complete understanding of the overall project.
When the user logs into PaSTA, they are presented with a simple menu choice. This allows the user to jump directly to the functionality they need to access.

CIC – Create Input Close
PaSTA facilitates both job creation and close-out based on YOUR process.
CiC – Create, Input, Close
- Build how WOs are created and approved to assure high quality data.
- Build how WOs are closed-out to capture accurate history and pass comments back.
- Build feedback loops at the field level to get everyone involved!

- Create/Update (Notifications or Tasks)
- Create the Notifications
- Manage (create/update/delete) Damages
- Manage (create/update/delete) Causes
- Mange (create/update/delete) Activities
- Create/Update Work Orders/(Operations or Tasks)
- Manage (create/update/delete) Components/Materials
- Perform Goods Movement (MIGO) on existing Components/Materials
- Perform (TECO or Complete) on a Work Order
- Interfaces from (CMMS/ERP) to PaSTA
- Functional Location structure
- Equipment structure
- Damage Code structure
- Cause structure
- Fault Code structure
- Component/Material structure
- Actual Hours (CATS/Confirmations)
Work Week Assignment
PaSTA’s WWA screen is broken into two areas:
Backlog and Work Week schedules
The WWA allows the user to “drag and drop” jobs to the schedule, build custom views to manage the backlog and view leveling data for the weeks. All these views are “real-time” and can also be auto-generated in the reports module.

Work Week Scheduling
PaSTA’s WWS screen is broken into four areas:
1.Auto weekly metrics
To help determine how well the organization is performing the scheduled jobs.
2.Daily planned work
Drag and drop resources to the day and time. View jobs that are on and off line on one schedule.
3.Emergent jobs
Call out all the “Break-in” work and identify who and why.
4.Resource palette
Manage resources by skill, craft, fatigue management and qualification. The resources can also be “leveled” from this view.

PaSTA allows full integration between “Projects” and “Work Week Management”
The “project team” can build projects in a CPM tool but PaSTA allows the end-user to maintain its weekly view and process. This allows the end-user a consistent platform to work from.
PaSTA can act as a “stand alone” CPM tool or can be integrated into MS Project or Primavera.
- Relationships between jobs,
- Critical Path,
- Milestones,
- Move projects on mass.

PaSTA “Auto Generates” reports and e-mails
- Building reports is a simple “drag and drop” process,
- No need to know SQL or table structures,
- Reports can be built off any and all data in PaSTA,
- Build custom metrics,
- Easily assemble “Composite Reports” (Multiple charts, tables and notes).

PaSTA Administration
PaSTA allows for comprehensive control and access over uses/interface and process.
- Show PaSTA Status,
- Customize User Roles and Security,
- Manage Personnel and Equipment,
- Access Control Values, Process Controls, Import Center & Import/Export Interface,
- Monitor Configuration,
- Report Administration and Work Task Check.